Monday, June 3, 2013

May Harvest Update:

May was a super productive month with all of the veggies started in February and March ripening up over several weeks.  Here's what we devoured.
Crap picture, but the lettuce heads we didn't trim salads from too often grew huge!  Still have 4 heads to pick off of and planted 8 replacements 2 weeks ago.

The root veggies did really well last month

Beets, Scallions and radishes were often on the menu. (Sorry scallions are sideways. Too lazy to fix.)


Plenty of beets and kohlrabi (super easy to grow).  Actually had enough kale to preserve some for when garden greens are a distant memory...hoping that's not until late January.  Just slap em' in boiling water for 2 minutes then dump em' in ice water for a minute, pat dry and freeze portions.

Random Happenings

Still room for ornamentals... This is a rose I picked up when I was surrounded by roses every spring while working at the local nursery 7 years ago.  It's called "Scentimental" and has a modern eye-catching look with a classic heavy spicy rose scent.  It's very productive and has good form to boot.
18 hour old quail hatchlings to replace the adults we've had for almost a year.  They do loose egg productivity over the months so we are opting for more replacements.  This is the F2 generation now.