Saturday, May 11, 2013


So we've had the luxury of daily salad since the end of April.  Butterhead lettuce, red oak lettuce, chard, kale, pea shoots, beet greens, baby romaine lettuce and radishes have been the staples. Also had some lambs quarters to throw in that seeded in last years pots. These pics are from last week and everything has really taken off with the warm rains this week.  Curious how other gardens on LI have been doing.


  1. I'm curious about your radishes. We never got very good yields. When did you plant them?

  2. They're supposed to be the easiest damn things to grow but I've never had great success with them either until this year. Tried a new variety "French Breakfast" a quick growing fairly mild conical form and it's worked out great with super juicy roots. Planted April 7th and started harvesting exactly a month later. Started a second round on May 7th. Light daily watering probably helped.
